Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (Bailur Math)
Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Bailur or more popularly known among locals as “BAILUR MATH” is a men’s monastic organization and spiritual retreat centre dedicated to the twin ideals: आत्मनो मोक्षार्थम् जगद् हिताय च – Atmano Moksartham Jagad Hitaya Ca – “for one’s own salvation and for the welfare of the world”. They are the twin ideals set by Swami Vivekananda in forming Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission in the year 1897, which have been responsible in pioneering and leading the Ramakrishna Movement. Under the banner and canopy of the Global Ramakrishna Movement, ours is an independent organisation. To be more specific, in our own humble and limited way we are servants of this world and of God, seeking Him and His support in serving this world while trying to see Him in every being. This Ashrama has provisions for Men-Monastics, Men Non-monastics and Vanaprastha’s interested in leading a pure spiritual life.
Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Bailur or more popularly known among locals as “BAILUR MATH” is a men’s monastic organization and spiritual retreat centre dedicated to the twin ideals: आत्मनो मोक्षार्थम् जगद् हिताय च – Atmano Moksartham Jagad Hitaya Ca – “for one’s own salvation and for the welfare of the world”. They are the twin ideals set by Swami Vivekananda in forming Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission in the year 1897, which have been responsible in pioneering and leading the Ramakrishna Movement. Under the banner and canopy of the Global Ramakrishna Movement, ours is an independent organisation. To be more specific, in our own humble and limited way we are servants of this world and of God, seeking Him and His support in serving this world while trying to see Him in every being. This Ashrama has provisions for Men-Monastics, Men Non-monastics and Vanaprastha’s interested in leading a pure spiritual life.

For the spiritual seekers, who seeks solitude, peace, joy and spiritual upliftment, Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (Bailur Math) is regarded as one of the important spiritual centres in Udupi District. Lot of sincere spiritual seekers make use of the opportunity to come and stay in the ashrama for spiritual solitude and sadhana. You are also welcome come and utilize the facility. Also its important to note that our ashrama is close to famous spiritual and religious centres like Udupi Krishna Temple, Heritage town of Karkala, Moodabidre, Sringeri, Kollur Mookambika Temple, Dharmasthala etc., which is an added advantage to the spiritual seekers who wish to visit the Ashrama.
Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Bailur Math is a trust recognised by and registered under non-profit making, non-commercial public charitable trust by the IT Dept of the Govt. of India. This Ashrama is run by Board of Trustees who are all monastics, with other Vānaprasthīs as permanent residential members, who too are renunciates leading pure spiritual life.
Spiritually affiliated institutions of “Bailur Math”

It was around the year 2004 that from a common Divine Spring three streams emerged with separate independent identity. The common Divine Source received the public recognition with the name BAILUR MATH. This Bailur Math is a lamp lit by a spark of the already existing brightest flame of Divinity and Spirituality, the well-known Ramakrishna Movement. The three Spiritually affiliated & independently functioning streams are the three institutions –
- Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (the Men Monastic Wing)
- Sharada Foundation (the Women Monastic Wing). know more
- Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Mission and Service Wing). know more
Note: The Ashramas at Bailur, Karkala, Udupi (Popularly known as BAILUR MATH) are not branches of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur, Howrah, but precisely work on the same principles and closely follow the same ideas and ideology.
Our Aim & Ideal

The life transforming message and teachings of Holy Trio are one of absolute purity, of intense faith and devotion, radiating love and peace, of forbearance and compassion, of Motherhood and Divinity. They are embodiment of love, service and sacrifice, being ever one with Mother Nature and the Society in which we live and also one with the Nation which is our Mother and our life from cradle to grave, and is ever one with the entire humanity to which we belong to. These supreme values are the pivot of this Trust. Seeking our own spiritual evolution as also of others around and the urgent need of educating the mankind to live a stress-free and secured life of self-dependence and lasting joy, peace and social security and be of help in building a strong Nation, strong society and a stable social structure — all these have necessitated formation of This Trust. In principles, ideas and ideals as well as goals and activities the organization follows entirely The Ramakrishna Tradition as set by Swami Vivekananda, and thus, is a humble participant in the world encompassing Great Ramakrishna Movement.
Our Vision, Mission and Objectives
Basically, man is made of two water-tight compartments – his spiritual existence and his physical (body-mind-complex) existence. So he needs spiritual as well as physical well-being. Growth of one of these parts at the cost of the other creates disharmony and is the cause of fear, anxiety, suffering, tension etc., common in modern man.
For an uninterrupted flow of the inner bliss and peace, to acquire independence from external and internal nature, man has to have harmony at every level of his existence : physical, mental, emotional, spiritual with external world of transactions and with Nature. Sri Ramakrishna has set forth such a path – both for householders and renunciates by which one can live a normal life in the world and attain this supreme goal of life. This is the essence of the world wide Ramakrishna Movement and we are a part of it.
To realise in one’s own life the message of Sri Ramakrishna (is specially meant for modern times) and help it flow on and reach others. It is the ancient WISDOM, the essence of all ethical, religious and spiritual accomplishments of entire mankind of all times. They contain Eternal values for the constantly changing human nature and society. They ensure everlasting Peace, eternal Bliss and Eternal Freedom, which are realisable by every individual in one’s own life. They give Light to the society at large, establish social equality and radiate love, peace and harmony at every level of human existence. They are universal, applicable to entire humanity irrespective of time, place, caste, creed, race, nationality, religion and conditions of living.

Board of Trustees
Under the Spiritual Guidance of Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj, this Ashrama is managed by The Board of Trustees who are all Monastics and are assisted by the able Vanaprastha Ashramites who help with their valued experience of handling the affairs in the world. The current Board of Trustees are:
President – Rev. Mataji Ramakrishnaprana
Secretary – Swami Vimuktananda
Treasurer – Swami Vibudhananda
Trustee – Swami Atmananda