Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (Bailur Math)
Men’s Ashrama – A Monastic Organization dedicated for service to mankind and spirituality. An organisation (recognised and registered under IT. Dept. of Govt. of India as public charitable Trust) dedicated to the twin ideals: ‘FOR ONE’S OWN SALVATION AND FOR THE WELFARE OF THE WORLD – आत्मनो मोक्षार्थम् जगद् हिताय च – Ātmano Moksārtham Jagad Hitāya Cha as set by Swami Vivekananda.

Men’s Ashrama – A Monastic Organization dedicated for service to mankind and spirituality. An organisation (recognised and registered under IT. Dept. of Govt. of India as public charitable Trust) dedicated to the twin ideals: ‘FOR ONE’S OWN SALVATION AND FOR THE WELFARE OF THE WORLD – आत्मनो मोक्षार्थम् जगद् हिताय च – Ātmano Moksārtham Jagad Hitāya Cha as set by Swami Vivekananda.
Holy Trio
Our Inspiration
Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj began his spiritual journey by joining Sri Ramakrishna Math, Basavanagudi, Bangalore in 1977 and received his Mantra Diksha and Brahmacharya Diksha from Most Revered Swami Veereshwarananadaji Maharaj, the 10th President of Ramakrishna Math and Mission and he was initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyasa in 1987 by Most Revered Swami Gambhiranandaji Maharaj, the 11th President of Ramakrishna Math and Mission.
After his joining the Order, for the next 14 years he patterned his life along the supreme ideals of Renunciation and Service. At the end of this period he was inspired to practice intense Tapasya in order to achieve the Supreme Goal of Human Life, God Realization as told by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Deva. Taking due permission and blessings from the Senior Monks of the Order, he entered into solitude in the dense Churna forest of the Satpura Ranges in Madhya Pradesh situated on banks of River Narmada. He got settled in a place of complete isolation free from any human inhabitation, surviving on the naturally available fruits and roots and a bag of beaten rice which would be delivered to him once in every 2 or 3 month by a generous forest officer. Having spent many years in such a manner he took to the life of a wandering monk travelling to the Himalayas and finally came to Udupi in the year 2001 as a part of his sojourns.

Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj began his spiritual journey by joining Sri Ramakrishna Math, Basavanagudi, Bangalore in 1977 and received his Mantra Diksha and Brahmacharya Diksha from Most Revered Swami Veereshwarananadaji Maharaj, the 10th President of Ramakrishna Math and Mission and he was initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyasa in 1987 by Most Revered Swami Gambhiranandaji Maharaj, the 11th President of Ramakrishna Math and Mission.
After his joining the Order, for the next 14 years he patterned his life along the supreme ideals of Renunciation and Service. At the end of this period he was inspired to practice intense Tapasya in order to achieve the Supreme Goal of Human Life, God Realization as told by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Deva. Taking due permission and blessings from the Senior Monks of the Order, he entered into solitude in the dense Churna forest of the Satpura Ranges in Madhya Pradesh situated on banks of River Narmada. He got settled in a place of complete isolation free from any human inhabitation, surviving on the naturally available fruits and roots and a bag of beaten rice which would be delivered to him once in every 2 or 3 month by a generous forest officer. Having spent many years in such a manner he took to the life of a wandering monk travelling to the Himalayas and finally came to Udupi in the year 2001 as a part of his sojourns.
Short Documentary of Bailur Math
About us
It was around the year 2004 that from a common Divine Spring three streams emerged with separate independent identity. The common Divine Source received the public recognition with the name BAILUR MATH. This Bailur Math is a lamp lit by a spark of the already existing brightest flame of Divinity and Spirituality, the well-known Ramakrishna Movement. The three independent streams are the three institutions – Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (the Men Monastic Wing), Sharada Foundation (the Women Monastic Wing) and Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Mission and Service Wing).
The Ashramas has provisions for Men – Monastics, Non-monastics and Vanaprastha’s interested in leading a pure spiritual life. Under the banner and canopy of the Global Ramakrishna Movement, ours is an independent organisation. It is a trust recognised by and registered under non-profit making, non-commercial public charitable trust by the IT Dept of the Govt. of India. To be more specific, in our own humble and limited way we are servants of this world and of God, seeking Him and His support in serving this world while trying to see Him in every being.
It was around the year 2004 that from a common Divine Spring three streams emerged with separate independent identity. The common Divine Source received the public recognition with the name BAILUR MATH. This Bailur Math is a lamp lit by a spark of the already existing brightest flame of Divinity and Spirituality, the well-known Ramakrishna Movement. The three independent streams are the three institutions – Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (the Men Monastic Wing), Sharada Foundation (the Women Monastic Wing) and Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Mission and Service Wing).
The Ashramas has provisions for Men – Monastics, Non-monastics and Vanaprastha’s interested in leading a pure spiritual life. Under the banner and canopy of the Global Ramakrishna Movement, ours is an independent organisation. It is a trust recognised by and registered under non-profit making, non-commercial public charitable trust by the IT Dept of the Govt. of India. To be more specific, in our own humble and limited way we are servants of this world and of God, seeking Him and His support in serving this world while trying to see Him in every being.

Our Vision, Mission & Objectives
Basically, man is made of two water-tight compartments – his spiritual existence and his physical (body-mind-complex) existence. So he needs spiritual as well as physical well-being. Growth of one of these parts at the cost of the other creates disharmony and is the cause of fear, anxiety, suffering, tension etc., common in modern man.
For an uninterrupted flow of the inner bliss and peace, to acquire independence from external and internal nature, man has to have harmony at every level of his existence : physical, mental, emotional, spiritual with external world of transactions and with Nature. Sri Ramakrishna has set forth such a path – both for householders and renunciates by which one can live a normal life in the world and attain this supreme goal of life. This is the essence of the world wide Ramakrishna Movement and we are a part of it.
This Ashrama at Bailur, Karkala, Udupi, (Popularly known as BAILUR MATH) is not a branch of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur, Howrah, but it works on the same principles and closely follows the same ideals and ideology.

Basically, man is made of two water-tight compartments – his spiritual existence and his physical (body-mind-complex) existence. So he needs spiritual as well as physical well-being. Growth of one of these parts at the cost of the other creates disharmony and is the cause of fear, anxiety, suffering, tension etc., common in modern man.
For an uninterrupted flow of the inner bliss and peace, to acquire independence from external and internal nature, man has to have harmony at every level of his existence : physical, mental, emotional, spiritual with external world of transactions and with Nature. Sri Ramakrishna has set forth such a path – both for householders and renunciates by which one can live a normal life in the world and attain this supreme goal of life. This is the essence of the world wide Ramakrishna Movement and we are a part of it.
This Ashrama at Bailur, Karkala, Udupi, (Popularly known as BAILUR MATH) is not a branch of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur, Howrah, but it works on the same principles and closely follows the same ideals and ideology.
Our Activities
The entire ideology of the Ramakrishna Monastic tradition has been put into a nut shell by Swami Vivekananda as आत्मनो मोक्षार्थम् जगद् हिताय च – Ātmano Moksārtham Jagad Hitāya Cha – “for one’s own salvation and for the welfare of the world”.
And it is for that we, the inmates, have renounced and we live for that. All our thoughts, planning and activities are to fulfil that end. Implementation of this ideology in an Ashrama finds its expression and functions through three channels.
The entire ideology of the Ramakrishna Monastic tradition has been put into a nut shell by Swami Vivekananda as आत्मनो मोक्षार्थम् जगत् हिताय च – Ātmano Moksārtham Jagad Hitāya Cha – “for one’s own salvation and for the welfare of the world”.
And it is for that we, the inmates, have renounced and we live for that. All our thoughts, planning and activities are to fulfil that end. Implementation of this ideology in an Ashrama finds its expression and functions through three channels.

The Ramakrishna Movement needs no introduction, being the most significant movement on the world platform that has been influencing all sectors of human life. Its uniqueness and speciality is that it can be adopted and owned by any and every person without any need to leave one’s own path, principles and way of life. And, once owned he/she finds oneness with the rest of the world and one’s spiritual evolution begins – from animal-hood to divine-hood.
This movement is named after Sri Ramakrishna, the celebrated Spiritual Eminence, renowned as ‘Prophet of modern times’ and is worshipped by Hindus as an Incarnation of God. Sri Ramakrishna lived the whole gamut of the spiritual evolution in all possible ways that makes man a ‘GOD’ in reality. He practised all honoured paths to Perfection that man could evolve, reached the common End, giving validity to all paths and showing their common base and common end.

The Ramakrishna Movement needs no introduction, being the most significant movement on the world platform that has been influencing all sectors of human life. Its uniqueness and speciality is that it can be adopted and owned by any and every person without any need to leave one’s own path, principles and way of life. And, once owned he/she finds oneness with the rest of the world and one’s spiritual evolution begins – from animal-hood to divine-hood.
This movement is named after Sri Ramakrishna, the celebrated Spiritual Eminence, renowned as ‘Prophet of modern times’ and is worshipped by Hindus as an Incarnation of God. Sri Ramakrishna lived the whole gamut of the spiritual evolution in all possible ways that makes man a ‘GOD’ in reality. He practised all honoured paths to Perfection that man could evolve, reached the common End, giving validity to all paths and showing their common base and common end.
Our Origin
The Divine Will, Divine work and Divine mission or even the functioning of this Nature has its own way of working and has been found to be beyond human understanding. When science and our reasoning cannot account for an event or a happening, we call it a miracle. Similarly, when people work away from the normal course or away from normal human tendencies : for e.g., sacrificing one’s all for others, or to found or create a base, a home, where truth, righteousness, goodness, nobility, more than anything spirituality (that finds no difference between man and man) and the supreme ideal of spiritual realisation – to flourish, is, to be sure, possible if commissioned or so willed by the Power that Governs this universe, whom people generally call as ‘The God’. It is there that the Divinity freely expresses itself without any resistance. It is being told that such people come to this world only to fulfil that mission and, the rest part of their life is a programme, a divine play, filling the gaps – for the fulfilment of that mission. They remain unstained by their actions because they are mere agents of the Divine in this world.
The Divine Will, Divine work and Divine mission or even the functioning of this Nature has its own way of working and has been found to be beyond human understanding. When science and our reasoning cannot account for an event or a happening, we call it a miracle. Similarly, when people work away from the normal course or away from normal human tendencies : for e.g., sacrificing one’s all for others, or to found or create a base, a home, where truth, righteousness, goodness, nobility, more than anything spirituality (that finds no difference between man and man) and the supreme ideal of spiritual realisation – to flourish, is, to be sure, possible if commissioned or so willed by the Power that Governs this universe, whom people generally call as ‘The God’. It is there that the Divinity freely expresses itself without any resistance. It is being told that such people come to this world only to fulfil that mission and, the rest part of their life is a programme, a divine play, filling the gaps – for the fulfilment of that mission. They remain unstained by their actions because they are mere agents of the Divine in this world.

Our Emblem
The emblem of Bailur Math group of institutions is comprehensive representation of the perfect human ideal, The Supreme and the ultimate Goal of the precious human life, as well as the process of living that ideal and reaching that Goal as depicted in and through the life and teachings of the Holy Trio — Bhagavān Sri Rāmakŗishṇa Deva, Mā Shāradā Devi and Swami Vivekānanda.
The ideal, the goal, and the life dedicated to them is flowing down as a deep-rooted tradition world-wide and as a peace imparting Global Movement. It was drawn by our spiritual inspiration Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj.

The emblem of Bailur Math group of institutions is comprehensive representation of the perfect human ideal, The Supreme and the ultimate Goal of the precious human life, as well as the process of living that ideal and reaching that Goal as depicted in and through the life and teachings of the Holy Trio — Bhagavān Sri Rāmakŗishṇa Deva, Mā Shāradā Devi and Swami Vivekānanda.
The ideal, the goal, and the life dedicated to them is flowing down as a deep-rooted tradition world-wide and as a peace imparting Global Movement. It was drawn by our spiritual inspiration Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj.
Our Location

Bailurmath is a wonderful pleasant lap of Mother Nature – bank of a beautiful perennial river Swarna Ganga, a doom shaped sloppy mound (northern slope: 135 feet high reaching down to river) in the silent and calm retreats of the evergreen forest area of the Western Ghats of the South India, just 25 kms from Arabian sea the Ashrama is situated. The place is called Bailur in the famous Karkala Taluk of the Udupi District in the South Canara region of Karnataka. 23 kms to the North is Udupi and 21 kms to the South is Karkala.
Sharada Foundation
(Womens Monastic Wing of Bailur Math)
The life transforming Divine Life of Holy Mother Sri Sharada Devi is one of absolute purity, of intense faith and devotion, radiating love and peace, of forbearance and compassion, of Motherhood and Divinity. She was an embodiment of love, service and sacrifice, being ever one with Mother Nature and the Society in which we live and also one with the Nation which is our Mother and our life from cradle to grave, and ever one with the entire humanity to which we belong to. These supreme values are the pivot of Sharada Foundation, the independently functioning women’s monastic organization under the larger banyan tree of Bailur Math.

The life transforming Divine Life of Holy Mother Sri Sharada Devi is one of absolute purity, of intense faith and devotion, radiating love and peace, of forbearance and compassion, of Motherhood and Divinity. She was an embodiment of love, service and sacrifice, being ever one with Mother Nature and the Society in which we live and also one with the Nation which is our Mother and our life from cradle to grave, and ever one with the entire humanity to which we belong to. These supreme values are the pivot of Sharada Foundation, the independently functioning women’s monastic organization under the larger banyan tree of Bailur Math.
A Cultural, Spiritual and Education Centre on Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda is perfect human ideal, an ideal for all times for all people at all places. He is youth icon. It is needless to say that Swami Vivekananda’s legacy envelops the entire humanity of the present generation and generations to come, for it ever seeks universal Love, Peace, and Harmony. His charismatic personality has been constantly inspiring the masses all over the world, with his stunningly influential thoughts and speeches that breathe wisdom and hope in the heart of humans.
The time is ripe that the ideas and ideology of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsha which was practised and preached by Swami Vivekananda should be made to reach the present generation and be preserved to flow through the future generations. Thus not only to commemorate his immense contribution to mankind, but mainly to keep the humanity always inspired, this project of Viveka-Darshan has been conceptualized. This work is being executed by Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama Trust (R), the Missionary and Service Wing of Bailurmath group of institutions, which is spiritually affiliated with us, but financially and functionally independent institution, a registered public charitable trust. Come, join your hands in this Divine Mission.
Welcome to Join Us as a Monastic
Those inspired by the life and teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Deva, Holy Mother Sharada Devi and Swami Vivekananda or are inspired by reading the writings or discourses on YouTube given by Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj and have a urge to embrace the monastic life or be a naishtika brahmachari and serve as a volunteer, leading the life of dedication and service are welcome to join us.
You can contact us on any of the below mentioned contact number or write a email to us. The admission in Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (Bailur Math) is only to Men. The women can contact at Sharada Foundation, the independently functioning women monastic wing of Bailur Math.

Those inspired by the life and teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Deva, Holy Mother Sharada Devi and Swami Vivekananda or are inspired by reading the writings or discourses on YouTube given by Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj and have a urge to embrace the monastic life or be a naishtika brahmachari and serve as a volunteer, leading the life of dedication and service are welcome to join us.
You can contact us on any of the below mentioned contact number or write a email to us. The admission in Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (Bailur Math) is only to Men. The women can contact at Sharada Foundation, the independently functioning women monastic wing of Bailur Math.
These are mostly class notes explaining intricate subjects in a simple lucid way perfectly suiting the modern minds, taught by Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj intimately to the junior renunciates. There are some selected letters to devotees too.

These are mostly class notes explaining intricate subjects in a simple lucid way perfectly suiting the modern minds, taught by Most Revered Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj intimately to the junior renunciates. There are some selected letters to devotees too.
Click to read, watch and hear the jewels of spirituality
Spiritual Spring for the Day
Weekly titbits
Donate to Ashrama Activities

This Ashrama has come up by Divine Will and we know that whoever comes here is by Divine call. The various projects undertaken by the Bailur Math Group of Institutions are made possible by the continuous support of generous donors. We invite you to participate in ashrama activities through your valued contributions.
- If you need any support or help with donations, kindly call us or WhatsApp us on +919945152755 or email at donations@rkashrambailurmath.org
- We are also registered with Benevity Causes for employer matching and volunteering hours matching by employer (if supported).
- Visit Donate page to give the details of donation made by you.
- Kindly visit Donate page for donations by Foreign Passport Citizens / Foreign Institutions.
Albums of Recent Activities of Ashrama
Recent YouTube Uploads

Note : This Ashrama at Bailur, Karkala, Udupi, (Popularly known as BAILUR MATH) is not a branch of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, Belur, Howrah, but it works on the same principles and closely follows the same ideals and ideology.